Learn About Samantha Alexander – Founder of Sailing On Angel Wings

Samantha Alexander is a healer, intuitive, and psychic medium that specializes in business consulting, prophecy, laying of hands, and energy work.

Learn About Samantha Alexander - Sailing On Angels Wings - A Great 5 Star Rated Healer
Learn About
Samantha Alexander

I am a spiritual person who always believed in God. While attending counseling to address some traumas, I was taught how to meditate.

About a month into meditating, I had an experience where I heard my late grandmother speaking to me. Months later, I was given messages to deliver to others as heard by my great grandmother and guidance team. I am an intuitive empath and medium.

I am also a Usui Reiki Practitioner level II. I work out of an office located in Beachwood, Ohio. All appointments are scheduled in advance. 

​I am a TIME board-certified Master Time Heals Energy Healer & Teacher. TIME© stands for Theocentric Interactive Magnetic Energy©.

This is a healing method that was inspired by the Archangels and a collective of spirit guides called The Healers.

The Healer, who has been attuned to TIME©, is totally connected with Spirit Guides, Archangels, and the Ascended Masters.

As a Healer, these connections work through me, using my physical body as a vessel to disperse healing energy.

Learn About Samantha Alexander & What They Are Saying About Her!

A Cleveland Area intuitive, medium, and healer, specilizes in business consulting, prophecy, laying of hands, and energy work.

The experience that I had with my healing was amazing.  I have to admit it was some skepticism because it was a new experience; out of my comfort zone.

Once the proper technique with meditation was taught to me, the professionalism was displayed and a nonjudgmental environment was created I became relaxed.

I actually felt the energy evolving within and around me.

Now I know for everyone results could be different, but I felt tingling and involuntary movement in my left arm. Nothing painful but I do feel with my overall health and daily ailments, it was truly healing.

My headache had ceased shortly thereafter, I felt more peaceful and rejuvenated. Thank you so much for your gift. I will visit you again.


5 Star Review & Testimonial

I was blessed to have received a TIME Heals session from Samantha. It was a beautiful session. Her voice was calming and soothing. I felt very relaxed. I could physically feel warmth and tingling throughout my body as the session was happening. She gave me the messages she received from a relative who had passed and as she gave me the message, I felt his presence with me.

She let me know the Angels would continue to work with me on healing for the next 27 days. It’s nice because at times when I’m relaxed the days since our session, I feel the same tingling in my body as the day of my healing session & I know the Angels are with me and helping me.

I highly recommend Samantha for the TIME Heals session. I feel very fortunate and blessed for the opportunity to receive this healing. She records the session if you wish, so you can relive the experience. Thank you, Samantha.



Disclaimer: The Services received don’t replace those of medical professionals or legal professions.

You are provided information that you are free to use as you choose. Always seek professional guidance.